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First Doctoral Degree

Acces to a first doctoral degree grants program completion in aspirantura. Admission to aspirantura is competitive. candidates must have obtained a specialists diploma or a masters degree (second level of university education). studies last 3 years and they prepare students for research and professorial activities. students must acquire skills in teaching methods and information technology, and pass qualifying exams in foreign language, history of sciences and in specialization. the program includes independent research as well as preparation and public defense of a thesis dissertation. after preparation and public defense of the thesis dissertation, the candidate is awarded the first doctoral degree (kandidat nauk).

training, as well as the candidate and additional examinations, writing of the dissertation and public defense of the dissertation are conducted in russian.

Duration of study: 3 years doctoral programs (+ 1-year preparatory course in russian language for postgraduate studies, if needed)

Academic calendar: non-semester academic calendar.

Terms of admission: specialists diploma or a masters degree. russian language proficiency (min torfl-2).

Certificates of scientific and research qualifications. prospective candidates must an abstract in the proposed research area or a list of research publications, if available, or any other evidence of scientific and research qualifications. recommendations from experts in the ed field are welcome.

Degrees: candidates who successfully complete the program are awarded the first doctoral degree (kandidat nauk "кандидат наук", “candidate of science in …”)

PhD programs and tuition fees