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International Conference "Modern Geometry and its Applications"

Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Tatarstan Republic Academy of Science and Kazan Federal University  organize an International Conference «MODERN GEOMETRY AND ITS APPLICATIONS».
The meeting will take place in Kazan from November 27 (day of arrival) to December 3, (day of departure) of 2017.
Experts on modern directions in Geometry and also related topics invited to participate to the conference.

The scientific program of the conference includes invited plenary lectures and contributed talks.

To participate at the conference you need proceed the registration  (see «Registration»).

The abstracts will be published prior the conference starts. Information about the rules of drafting the abstracts contains in «Abstracts» section.

The registration fee is 1000 rubles.

Important dates:

   Deadline for submissions of abstracts: October 20, 2017;

   Notification to authors: November 1, 2017;

   Conference: June 26 – July 2, 2016;

                       - November 27: arrival day;
                       - November 27, 28, 30  and December 2: working days of the conference;
                       - December 1: the ceremony of presenting the Lobachevsky Medal and Prize;
                       - December 3: departure day.