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Working group of the laboratory:

Nosova Fidania Foatovna

Head of the  Department of Petroleum Geology laboratory,

Research Associate

Tel .: +7 (843) 233-79-93

E-mail: fida64@mail.ru

Pronin Nikita Vladimirovich

Senior Lecturer of the Department of  Petroleum Geology, Research Associate

Tel .: +7 (843) 233-79-93

E-mail: nikita.oilgeol@mail.ru

Alsu Gubaidulina Aidarovna

An engineer of the Department Laboratory of  Petroleum Geology

Tel .: +7 (843) 233-79-93

E-mail: alsu.gubaydullina@bk.ru

Tubman Yuliya Aleksandrovna

An engineer of the Department Laboratory of  Petroleum Geology

Tel .: +7 (843) 233-79-93

Lidia Ivanovna Klementyeva

An engineer of the1st category of  the Department Laboratory of Petroleum Geology

Tel .: +7 (843) 233-79-93

Popova Zinaida Mikhaylovna

An engineer of the Department laboratory of Petroleum Geology

Tel .: +7 (843) 233-79-93

E-mail: Popova.Zinaida1951@gmail.com

Dergounova Alina Vladimirovna

An engineer of the Department laboratory of Petroleum Geology

Tel .: +7 (843) 233-79-93

E-mail: alinadergunova1992@mail.ru

Aryslanova Alsou Ramilovna

An engineer of the Department laboratory of Petroleum Geology

Tel .: +7 (843) 233-79-93

E-mail: aryslanova.alsou@mail.ru


Chkanov Andrey Yevgenyevich

Service Engineer of the Department laboratory of Petroleum Geology

Tel .: +7 (843) 233-79-93