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International projects

1. One of the most important projects is the Global Carboniferous and Permian Non-Marine - Marine Correlation Project of the joint international working group of both the International Subcommissions on Carboniferous and on Permian stratigraphy (leader of the working group and the Kazan project respectively is the vice-chairman of the international Subcommission on Permian Stratigraphy (SPS), J.W. Schneider). The Middle and Late Permian as well as the Permian-Triassic transitional sections on the East European Platform, as e.g. in the Volga-Kama region of Tatarstan, will play a major role in the solution of the northern Pangea Middle/Late Permian problem of regional to intercontinental correlations (see Permophiles No. 60, 2014). The main input from the research in the Volga-Kama region of Tatarstan will be the combination of biostratigraphic subdivisions with isotopic ages and in this way the link to the global timescale, i.e. the International Chronostratigraphic Chart of the International Commission on Stratigraphy of the International Union of Geosciences (IUGS). Biostratigraphic data will be produced by all involved specialist from the Russian Federation as well as from abroad. Isotopic ages will be produced in cooperation of the project team from the Kazan University with the project members from the Technical University Bergakademie (Mining Academy) Freiberg, and the Permian Research Institute of the Boise State University, Idaho, USA, as well as the Senckenberg Research Museum Dresden, Germany.

2. Collaboration with the Karoo Research Initiative (KARIN) with respect to unconventional hydrocarbons, i.e. shale gas

(see also links: http://www.up.ac.za/en/geology/article/2010973/karoo-research  andhttp://www.up.ac.za/en/geology/article/2010665/unconventional-and-renewable-energy-resources)

Budget for drilling three deep drill cores and seismic survey 2 mlo. Euro for 2015-2017

Main Sponsor Shell

3. IGCP 630 Permian-Triassic climatic and environmental extremes and biotic response.

4. Joint RFBR and South Africa National RF Project No.  14-05-93964. Searching for common signatures in deep time: bio-correlation of Permo-Triassic continental sedimentary successions with tetrapods from  Russia and South Africa.

5. German Research Foundation project DFG Schn 408/22-1 Multistratigraphic framework for continental Permian Triassic boundary sections of northern Pangaea: key to a better understanding of the ecological consequences of the end-Permian crisis in the terrestrial realm

6. German Research Foundation DFG Schn 408/21-1 Pilot study on evolution of Late Palaeozoic insects of the Souss basin, Morocco

7. German Research Foundation DFG Schn 408/20-1 Revision of the basal sphenacodonts (Haptodontinae): systematic and evolutionary implications.

8. UNESCO-IUGS International Geoscience Program IGCP 609 “Climate-environmental deteriorations during greenhouse phases: Causes and consequences of short-term Cretaceous sea-level changes”

Projects of Russian Foundation for Basic Research 

№ 16-04-01062 "Late Permian Palaeonodonta-like non-marine bivalve fauna of European Russia: systematics, evolution, paleoecology, paleobiogeography, biostratigraphy"

№ 16-05-00306 "Multidisciplinary additional investigation of the Permian Cisuralian Series sections in the Southern Urals proposed as the candidates of the Global stratotypes of the Sakmarian-base GSSP, the Artinskian-base GSSP and the Kungurian-base GSSP"

№ 15-55-10007 "Volcanic and climatic impacts on Permian biota across Russian ecological zones"

№ 14-04-00115 "The evolution of ontogeny of the Permian reptiliomorph anthracosaurs of the East Europe"

Projects of Russian Science Foundaion

№ 16-17-10231 "The precise chronology of the Permian-Triassic biotic and abiotic events in Siberia: the traps volcanism as a trigger of the regional and global extinction"