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Permian and Triassic conchostracans of Western Siberia

The project aims at comprehensive study of conchostracans at the Permian-Triassic deposits of the Kuznetsk Basin. The main task – to find out how the negative factors of Permian-Triassic crisis affected the morphology of the shells conchostracans, on their microsculpture and microstructure. The new data will complement existing information about Permian-Triassic conchostracans which was received by Novozhilov, Molina, Papineau, Orlova, Olempskoy etс.

In 2015 a large collection of conchostracans was selected from the section of "Babi Kamen", situated on the bank of the Tom river. It characterizes seven stratigraphic levels, the lower level belongs to the Permian, and the top belongs to the Triassic. The exact position of the boundary between the Permian and Triassic system in "BK" is still not clear. Therefore, volcanic tuffs were sampled simultaneously with conchostracans of which zircon grains have already been isolated for radiometric dating.

Morphology of conchostracans shell, their microstructure and microsculpture are planned to study with  help of modern electron microscopes. The modern method of classification proposed by F. Scholz and J. Schneider will be used for clarify the taxonomy conchostracans.

As a result, the material from the Permian and Triassic section of Kuznetsk Basin will show how the external form, microstructure and microsculpture conchostracans shells were changed during the global Permian-Triassic crisis. This will allow to substantiate which of these signs should be used for differentiation of genera and species. Analysis of conchostracans distribution at the section will make possible to determine which morphological changes are most significant, and time when they are most strongly shown. If we can get the radiometric dating of zircons, the significance of the results will increase many times, so we could "tie" to the Сhronostratigraphic scale and compare other conchostracans fauna of the continental sections of Western and Eastern Europe, the Siberian platform, India