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International School-Seminar on Computer-Aided Molecular Design

We were delighted to invite you to take part in the International School-Seminar on Computer-Aided Molecular Design (CAMD2016), which took place in Kazan, Russia, from 18th to 20th May, 2016.

Computational technologies have been proven to successfully assist chemists in design of new chemical moieties. It was numerous times shown that usage of chemoinformatics, bioinformatics and molecular modeling tools substantially reduces costs in drug design. This School-seminar was devoted to usage of quantum chemical, force-field and chemoinformatics modeling in molecular and material design. The main goal of the event was the development and promoting of computational approaches usage in molecular and material design through education and making conditions for sharing of scientific experience.

The main topics of the School-seminar were:

The event gathered specialists from different fields of computational chemistry to make presentation of their findings or overview of special field. The School-seminar was include:

The event will gather students, PhD students, beginners, young scientists and well-known scientists – experts, practicing different computer-based technologies to solve problems, related to design of new chemical entities. It was make an environment to share scientific experience and findings. It was also demonstrate young scientists and students the role of theoretical methods in discovery of new drugs, practically important compounds, materials and chemical reactions.

This School-seminar was organized in the framework of the project 14-43-00024 funded by Russian Scientific Foundation.

For the Book of Abstracts follow the Program link .


The event was held in Butlerov  Memorial Auditorium, located in the Museum of Kazan School of Chemistry, Kazan Federal University, Kremlyovskaya Str. 18, building 9. For the latest version of the program follow the Program link.


English is official language of the event.

Registration fee:

No organizing fee is required for any participant. Registration is obligatory.

Registration procedure:

Please follow on-line registration procedure.

Free slots were available in the Program! Please contact Scientific Secretary about your intention to make presentation.

Important dates:

01.01.2016 – 30.04.2016  – registration

01.01.2016 – 30.04.2016 – abstract submission

18.05.2016 - 20.05.2016 – conference days

Contact Information:

Any questions about the School-seminar can be addressed to Scientific Secretary

Dr. Timur I. Madzhidov (Kazan Federal University, Russia)

E-mail: timur.madzhidov@kpfu.ru

Tel: (843) 233-73-71