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Administration & Staff


Kashapov Nail Faikovich – the director of the institute, Doctor of Engineering Science, professor, the corresponding member of Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences, the honored inventor of RT.

Petrov Zamir Stepanovich – the vice director for scientific activities.

Hafizov Ildar Ilsurovich – vice-director on educational activities, Doctor of Science, associate professor, leading expert of competition for Government of the Republic of Tatarstan quality award, the expert of competition of Federal Education and Science Supervision Service of the Russian Federation "The quality system of training of graduates of professional education"

Structure of the Engineering institute Academic board

The CHAIRMAN - Kashapov Nail Faikovich, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, the Doctor of Engineering, professor, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences, the honored inventor of RT, the director of Engineering institute, the vice-rector for innovative activities.

The VICE-CHAIRMAN - Petrov Zamir Stepanovich, the vice-director on scientific activitis


Hafizov Ildar Ilsurovich – vice-director on educational activities, Doctor of Science

Hamidullina Gulnara Rafkatovna – professor, Doctor of Economics, the Quality control Department Chairman.

Zakirova Alfiya Ravilyevna - Candidate of Technical Sciences, the associate professor of Quality control department.

Luchkin Grigory Sergeyevich - Candidate of Engineering Sciences, the associate professor, the Biomedical engineering and Innovation Management Department Chairman 

Fazlyyakhmatov Marcel Galimzyanovich - teaching assistant of Biomedical engineering and Innovation Management Department

Gilmanshin Iskander Rafailevich - Candidate of Engineering Sciences, the director of the complex training center in the sphere of energy efficiency