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Chair of Economics and Management

Head of chair: Gapsalamov Almaz Rafisovich, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor

Senior laboratory assistantSerebrova Albina Albertovna

The Chair of Economics and Management was founded in 2013.

The quality of the educational process is ensured by highly qualified faculty. In the teaching process, in addition to the traditional ones, they widely use techniques and methods based on the use of modern pedagogical and information technologies. During the work of the chair, rich scientific and pedagogical traditions have been developed, research, scientific and methodological, and publishing activities have been significantly increased.

The research work of teachers includes the development of topical theoretical and applied problems in the field of economics, management and economics of education. At the same time, the main areas of the chair's work are the problems of the regional economy, the city economy, economic security, the education economy, and quality control of the education system. During the work of the chair, several dozen articles were published in highly rated journals (Scopus, Web of science, Higher Attestation Commission, etc.).

The chair has an economists club (head: Associate Professor E.A. Osadchiy), problem groups.

Teachers of the chair carry out systematic work to organize research activities of students, annually prepare reports at student scientific and practical conferences of various levels. Students take an active part in various competitions, taking prizes.

The active educational and scientific-methodological work of the chair's teachers and their professionalism contribute to the training of highly qualified specialists in the field of economics and management.

Topics of basic and applied methodological research: