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Chair of Philosophy and Sociology

Activing head of chair: Smirnov Sergey Vladimirovich, PhD in Philosophy, Associate professor

Senior Assistant: Alkinskaya Olga Viktorovna

The Chair of Philosophy and Sociology was founded in 1953 at the time of the establishment of the Yelabuga State Padagogical Institute. Since then, its names have changed, but the main tasks have remained the same:

The teachers of the chair participate in the program of preparing schoolchildren for passing the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, are actively working with school teachers.

The chair prepares grad students and applicants for passing the candidate exam in the discipline "History and Philosophy of Science".

The chair actively participates in scientific and scientific-practical conferences on social and philosophical issues.

Since 2008, the chair has been organizing and conducting the All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Man in modern socio-philosophical concepts."

Research area- "Man in the socio-economic and legal space of the modern world community."

The chair has postgraduate studies in two specialties:

Applied Methodological Research Topics: