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Chair of Biology and Chemistry

Acting Head of the Chair: Gibadulina Ilzira Ilsurovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Senior lab assistant: Rodygina Sabina Ernestovna

Laboratory assistant: Levanova Elina Olegovna


The history of the chair is inextricably connected with the Chair of Biology and Methods of Teaching Biology, the Chair of Botany and the Foundations of Agriculture (later - Botany and Agroecology) and the Chair of Medicine, which previously existed at the university.

In 2010, the departments merged with the formation of a single chair of biology and ecology, and in 2016 it became known as the Chair of biology and chemistry.

The priority topic of research and development of the chair is the direction: "Environmental and biological aspects of the structural and functional organization of living systems."

Areas of study:

  1. Ecological monitoring of natural and artificial ecosystems of the Republic of Tatarstan (supervisors: Ph.D., Associate Professor Gibadulina Ilzira Ilsurovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor Maslennikova Nadezhda Nikolaevna);

  2. Analysis of the flora and fauna of the Lower Kama region (population structure, phenetic variability, morphophysiological adaptations); bioindication and biotesting (supervisors: Ph.D., Associate Professor Leontiev Vyacheslav Vitalyevich, Ph.D., Associate Professor Gibadulina Ilzira Ilsurovna)

The scientific research activity of the chair in the field of developing and solving the problems of pedagogy of higher education is represented by the general thematic direction "Formation of professional competence by means of natural science disciplines."

The chair has a training and scientific laboratory "Monitoring and Protection of Birds", a zoological museum, and an experimental garden-plot.

Summer field practices in invertebrate zoology and botany (course I), vertebrate zoology and botany (course II), general ecology (course III) take place on the territory of the sports and recreation camp "Burevestnik" or in the form of excursions and multi-day trips to natural conditions.

Periodically, expeditions to the White Sea on the basis of the KFU White Sea Biological Station are organized at the chair for educational purposes.

As part of the educational work, the chair operates the "EcoDOS" Environmental Voluntary Student Society, whose members participate in nature protecting and environmental education activities.