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Department of securities, exchanges and insurance

Department of securities, exchanges and insurance ,Division of securities, exchanges and insurance, staff, Division

Division of securities, exchanges and insurance (till 2014 – Division of money and securities) was established in 1997 when training of high class specialists for securities market was decided to be started in Kazan Finance and Economics Institute (merged with Kazan Federal University in 2011).

The founder and the first head of the Division was associate professor N.V. Bakirova. Then the Division was headed by associate professor L.V. Alekseeva, and currently it is headed by doctor of Economics I.A. Koh. Now the division has 12 teachers including 2 professors and 5 associate professors.

The graduates of the Division receive a bachelor's or master's degree in Economics. They may choose one of two specialized training programs – securities market or insurance. Each choice allows them to obtain knowledge and skills enough to be employed by leading commercial banks, investment companies, insurance companies, private pension funds and other financial corporations as well as public institutions. Many of these organizations are constantly in touch with the Division assisting it in education programs designing and improving. They also allow teachers and students of the Division to get practical trainings.

Students of the Division successfully participate in regional and national scientific and professional conferences, competitions of scientific works.

The Division of securities, exchanges and insurance has three main spheres of research activities: financial markets; investment activities; insurance market.