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Academic background

Kazan State University, Faculty of Geology,  Major Geophysics

Work experience

from 17.10.1997 год – Head of the Geopphysical prospecting division

2002-2003  - visiting professor, researcher in Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

from 15.05.2007 год – Vice-Rector for Reserach and Informational Support;
from 18.05.2010 год - Vice-Rector for Research.

Academic degree -  Dr. Sci. in Geology and Mineralogy
Academic title - professor.

Area of interest: rock magnetism, petrophysics, paleomagnetism and paleogeohpysics, paleoclimate, sediment beds of present-day lakes, geoinformation systems and their application in geophysics, formation and destruction processes of oil and gas reservoirs, geodynamics of oil-gas areas, geological and geophysical technologies of oil and gas search and reconnaissance, geophysic methods in archeology.