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'New achievements of NMR in structural studies' is a regular conference (1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2011) which will take place in the Institute of Physics of Kazan Federal University (Russian Federation, Kazan, Kremlyovskaya st., 16a). The Organizing Committee invites you and your colleagues to join the conference.

The conference program will include the review reports on the development of research into the structure and dynamics of intra- and intermolecular broad class of organic, bioorganic, organometallic compounds and complexes in solution, the mesophase and solid state NMR spectroscopy. Conference also will focus on the development of MR imaging and its applications in biomedical research. The conference will include sessions with oral presentations and poster sessions.

There will be two main sections: “Molecular structure and dynamics” (experimental and theoretical studies) and “New experimental techniques of NMR and MRI imaging and there applications”.

The work will be attended by manufacturers of scientific equipment companies (Bruker, Jeol) with production presentations and equipment mini-exhibition.

Approximate number of participants is 100-140 people representing the main research groups in Russia and the former Soviet Union. 

Working conference languages - Russian and English.

Plenary lectures – 40 min, oral presentations ‑ from 10 to 30 min.Speakers are kindly requested to provide their PPT presentations in Windows format on flash sticks or CD ROMs. Poster size is А0 (841 × 1189 mm).

We are pleased to inform you that selected papers presented at the NEW ACHIEVEMENTS OF NMR IN STRUCTURAL STUDIES CONFERENCE will be published in a special issue of Applied Magnetic Resonance (Journal of Springer) and Journal of magnetic resonance in solids.

The conference will be held a solemn meeting devoted to the 70th anniversary of the discovery of NMR and 90th anniversary of Professor Yu.Yu.Samitov - one of the pioners in NMR spectroscopy in Russia.

The registration will be available online from until 16 March 2015. To register for the Conference, please go by link and complete all fields required.If you encounter any problems during the registration procedure, please contact: lgaliull@kpfu.ru.