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Mesh Methods for Boundary-Value Problems and Applications - 2014


Conference Program


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Kazan Federal University, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, Lomonosov Moscow State University conduct the 10th International Conference  ?Mesh Methods for Boundary-Value Problems and Applications?.

The conference will take place from September 24 till September 29, 2014 in the vicinity of  Kazan. The participants of the conference will be provided with good conditions for productive work and leisure.

The arrival date is September 24; the departure date is September 29. The registration of participants will take place in Room 1209, Building 2, Kazan Federal University (35 Kremlevskaya str.) from 10 o'clock till 17 o'clock on September 24.

The participants can reach Kazan Federal University from the Train Station by trolleybus (No. 7) and by bus (?University? bus stop). On the day of arrival, the participants will be taken from the Kazan University to the location of the conference.​



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