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Information for Authors

The journal publishes articles based on original scientific research on Tatar studies including studies of Tatar language, literature, history, culture, arts and education. The journal also welcomes bio-bibliographical material about leading Tatar scholars and researchers in the field of Tatar studies and publishes short overviews of the scientific events in the Turkic world.


Submission Requirements

Research articles should include:

1) text of the paper in two languages (Tatar / Russian and English), an abstract of 150-200 words and 5-8 keywords in three languages – submitted electronically to tatarica.kpfu@gmail.com. Translation services are available at an additional cost. Papers in English do not require translation into the Russian or Tatar language. Submission guidelines can be found on the journal's website http://tatarica.kpfu.ru;

2) a cover letter with the following information about the author (s) in Russian, Tatar and English:

3) recommendation letter written by the academic advisor in any of the 3 official languages of the journal (Russian, Tatar and English) if the author is a graduate student or an applicant for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (PhD). The literature listed in the References should primarily be published within the last 10 years.


Manus­cript Selection

Research papers submitted for publication are selected on the basis of independent internal and external reviews and the decision of the editorial board. Accepted papers should meet high scientific criteria (relevance, significance, etc.) and the general requirements of the journal.

We will not consider any paper or component of a paper that has been previously published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Selected papers are edited to improve accuracy and clarity and for length. In case of a more serious correction, the paper is sent to the authors for revision.