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According to the ethnic classification Tatars belong to a large group of the Turkic peoples currently totaling more than 150 million people. World integration processes resulted in the widespread dispersal of Turks outside their historic area extending from the Mediterranean to Eastern Siberia, from the mountains of the Middle East to the Arctic Ocean. Modern Turks live on different continents: in Eurasia, North America, Australia, and in different countries.

On the map of the world more than twenty five countries are known to have the Turkic population. In half of these countries the number of Turks amounts from one million to sixty million people. Most of the Turkic peoples live in independent Turkic states and the republics of the Russian Federation. The largest area of their settlement is in Russia, and the largest population is in Turkey.

Turkic peoples speak many different languages, however, since ancient times they have developed ethnic and cultural traditions. Having both common and different origins, these traditions have formed a unique culture recognized by the entire Turkic world as their own or similar in many ways. Thus nowadays, the Turkic peoples have common interests in the field of language, literature, history and education, which requires common scientific approaches to their investigation.

Without claiming comprehensive coverage of the events in the Turkic world, this section of the journal will present the information related to the subject matter of our publications: reports about scientific conferences, forums, exhibitions and announcements about upcoming events. Given the periodicity of the journal, it intends to briefly acquaint its readers with the most important events in the world of science by selecting the information with positive attitudes towards the subject under study and the relevance of a particular event in the context of the modern development of the Turkic world. The references should help readers search for additional information on a specific topic.

The main goal of this section of the Tatarica journal is seen in facilitating information exchange between Turkologists, as well as in the promotion of scientific and cultural achievements, initiatives and projects in the Turkic world. We hope that our publications will contribute to the development of an open and constructive view of the Turkic world and stimulate interest in its cultural heritage and modern scientific research in this area.