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Nigmatullin Elmira Faatovna

Nigmatullin Elmira Faatovna

Nigmatullin Elmira Faatovna - associate professor, candidate of law.

Now associate professor of the ecological, labor law and civil process department of the Kazan (Volga region) federal university’ law faculty. Area of scientific interests – the ecological and land law.

Carries out teaching of such subject matters, as "The land law" and "The ecological law", the special course on "The Rights to the Land Plots in the Cities and Other Settlements and Their Judicial Protection"

Conducts vigorous educational and research activity. She is the author of the over 40 scientific works devoted to the problems of ecological, land and agrarian law, including monographs and manuals, among which such as: "Contractual regulation of a turn of the land plots in the city settlement, schemes and tasks of the special protection ". The Rights to the Land Plots in the Cities and Other Settlements and Their Judicial Protection", an educational and methodical grant at the special course "The Rights to the Land Plots in the Cities and Other Settlements and Their Judicial Protection", and also the articles "About Concept of Artificial Land Plots”, "To a Question of Borders of the Land Plot".

Conducts an active work on reviewing and editing of manuals and monographs. Actively cooperates with government bodies, prepares examinations and the conclusions on drafts of laws of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan. Gives lectures to practicing lawyers and at the advanced training courses of the civil and municipal servants.

Actively engaged in scientific practical activities with students, being the research supervisor of the student's research group on "Ecological and Land law".