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                               Management and academic staff



The main asset of the Higher School of Business is a team of leading Russian and foreign teachers-practitioners with extensive experience in business and consulting.

The high level of the teaching staff at the Higher School of Business is evidenced by the involvement of professors and teachers in management research, scientific activities and consulting. Most of the team of teachers of the Higher School of Business takes an active part in all three types of activities.

                                                                         Full-time lecturers


Alsu Akhmetshina

Eleonora Boiko

Venera Vagizova

Roza Kaspina

Igor Kirshin

Igor Kokh

Albina Khairullina

Кульбарисова Елена Александровна

Elena Kulbarisova

Dmitry Zakhmatov

Каленская Наталья Валерьевна

Natalia Kalenskaya

Part-time lecturers

Highly qualified lecturers and consultants from Moscow, St.-Petersburg and other cities work here. They combine their academic background with knowledge in the field of business practice.

Tatiana Abranina

Abel Aganbegyan

Olga Aleksandrova


Grigoriy Busarev

Mikhail Dubovik


Nataliya Evtikhieva

 Карлик Михаил Александрович

Mikhail Karlik

Tatiana Kovaleva


Gennadiy Konstantinov

Sergey Mordovin

Мясоедов Сергей Павлович

Sergey Myasoedov 

Iliyas Nuriev

Чеканский Александр Николаевич

Aleksandr Chekansky