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Department of Geophysics and Geoinformation Technologies

In 1944 Geology and Soil Faculty launched a new specialty – Geophysical Methods of Deposit Exploration. In 1952 the Department of Oil Geology and Geophysical Exploration Methods was set up. In 1954 the Department of Geophysical Exploration Methods became a separate unit. In 2011 the department was renamed to the Department of Geophysics and Geoinformation technologies.

5 DScs and 6 associate professors are employed in teaching and R&D.

There are 3 PhDs and 5 Candidate of Sciences among the department's staff.

Main research areas:


Head of the department of geophysics and geoinformation technologies

(843) 233-73-75


Kazan GIS Studio Center

The Center passed ESRI certification in 2008 and is now an authorized ESRI facility.

The Center provides GIS education for students and postrgaduates, advanced training for experienced workers of the industry.

In 2008 and 2011 the GIS Studio Center received diplomas as one of the leading ESRI and ERDAS educational centers in Russia and CIS.