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Department of Conflict Resolution Studies


Bolshakov Andrey Georgievich

Tel.: +7 (843) 233-77-61

E-mail: bolshakov_andrei@mail.ru

The program in conflict resolution studies was established in 2009. The demand for experts in this field is quite high nowadays. The Department itself started its work in 2011.

The Department employs and invites academics from various walks of science, such as sociology, psychology, political science, economics, law, history, ethnography, and philosophy. There are currently 7 employees, all of whom have academic degrees.

The Department can prides itself for maintaining a wide network of professional contacts -some of our partners are MGIMO University, Saint Petersburg State University, Krasnodar State University, Southern Fedeal University, Social Sciences Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, University of Toronto (Canada), Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH, International Crisis Group).

Our research covers such topics as organizational and social-labour conflicts; ethnic conflicts; political conflicts; problems of unrecognized and partially recognized states; political extremism and terrorism.

The Department is known for its community outreach programs in conflict resolution. We also aim to widen the scope of our work and hold regular schools and courses in areas that are new for us, such as family counseling.