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Research and Education Centres and Research laboratories of the Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies

Research ,Research and Education Centres and Research laboratories of the Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies

The process of creating the system of science and education centres (REC) including humanitarian knowledge is being completed. These centres are aimed at forming a base for projects with interdisciplinary methodological approach, relevant scientific projects for grant support, commercialization of projects, registration of intellectual activity results, academic and foreign participation as co-executors, efficient selection of graduate students.

The Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies has 15 RECs and 7 research laboratories (RL).

Research and Education Centres

REC “Antiquity and Modernity” Research and Education Centre Named After A.S.Shofman”

REC “History of Childhood”

REC "Turkic World"

REC "Sinology"

REC “The Centre of European Research”

REC The Center of Excellence – “ISLAMIKA” International Focal Point

REC "Archeometry" Center of Excellence

REC “Resource Centre for Islamic Education Development”

REC “The International Parliamentarism Centre ”

Scientific-Educational Center "Interregional Resource Center for Language Education: Language Excellence"

REC “The World Cultural Heritage' Resource Centre”

REC The Centre for the Study of Central Asia and Turkey

REC The Centre for Islamic Civilization Studies

REC The Intercultural Dialogue Centre

REC Oriental Manus­cripts Study Centre

REC "Al-hadara" Centre for Arab Culture

REC Confucius Institute

REC India Studies Centre

REC Iranian Studies Сentre

REC Japanese Studies Сentre

REC Korean Studies Сentre

Scientific Research Laboratories

SRL “Interdisciplinary Innovative And Scientific-Practical Archaeological And Ethnological Research”

SRL “Electronic Historical Resources”

SRL "Archeographical Laboratory"

SRL "State Confessional and Interconfessional Relationships: Native and Foreign Experience"

SRL "Situation Center for Monitoring Global and Regional Security"