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Department of Arabic Philology

Jamil Zaynullin

Head of Department of Arabic philology, Doctor of Science, Full Professor

Tel. +7 (843) 293-60-28

E-mail. jam.zayni@ksu.ru

Scientific activities of the department: research of the specifics of the Arabic language and Arabic literature in relation to Tatar and Russian languages, as well as the study and des­cription of Arabic manus­cripts in the funds of Lobachevsky Library.


Zaynullin, Jamil Gabdulhakovich +7 (843) 293-60-28  jam.zayni@ksu.ru 
Hayrutdinov, Dinar Raficovich +7 (843) 293-94-46 dinar-hayr@ksu.ru
Elsabruti, Rashida Rahimovna  +7 (843) 293-94-46  rashidael@ksu.ru 
Abrorov, Ilyas Muhrimhonovich  +7 (843) 293-94-46  Ilyas.Abrorov@ksu.ru
Abdalla, Muhammad Mahmud  +7 (843) 293-94-46 Muhammadmah@ksu.ru
Gilemshin, Fler Foatovich +7 (843) 293-94-46 ffgilemsh@ksu.ru