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International activities

Tutors of all the Institute's departments take part in conferences, seminars and publications of the above mentioned bodies, depart for internships, summer language courses and at the same time invite foreign colleagues into Kazan Federal University.

The Department of German Language is in active cooperation with the Institute of Slavic Studies, Institute of German as a Foreign Language under the Yu. Libich University of Giessen (Germany), Gerder Leipzig University (Germany). Together a vast amount of German funds many scientific and educational projects were successfully carried out (R. Bosch's Fund, DAAD, etc.).

The Department of French Language is in interaction with the Department of French Language under Yu. Libich University of Giessen (Germany), Morel Strasbourg University (France) and with the Oriental Studies and Oriental Civilizations Institute – INALCO (Paris, France).

The Departments of English language actively cooperate with the Associaton of the English language teachers. Representatives of the depatments are members of the working group 'English language environment' within the program Top 100/5. This program is realized with participation of foreign partners in compliance with the project of raising competitiveness of the University.