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Master's Program in Medical and Clinical Engineering

The Department of Biomedical Engineering and Innovation Management has opened a master's program in the direction of preparation “Medical and clinical equipment”. The training lasts two years. Upon graduation, the graduate is qualified as a master engineer.

Modern medical and clinical systems are unique and sophisticated equipment that incorporates the most advanced achievements in the field of electronics, computer science and medicine.

The direction of higher professional education “Biotechnical systems and technologies” is focused on developers of intelligent biomedical equipment, on its after-sales service and operation.

The area of ​​professional activity of masters includes: the field of technical systems and technologies, the structure of which includes any living systems that are associated with the monitoring and control of the state of living systems, ensuring their vital functions, as well as maintaining optimal working conditions for a person.

Industrial and technological practice of students takes place at leading enterprises and clinics in the city of Kazan.

Graduates of the specialty can work as: engineers, designers, technologists, managers, developers of biomedical devices, devices and systems, specialists in the maintenance and repair of medical equipment, specialists in the promotion of medical supplies.