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Department of General Mathematics

Areas of scientific research

1) Boundary value problems and their applications in physics, mechanics.

2) Application of some packets of mathematical computer programs in mathematical education of students learning at the nonmathematical departments.

Educational  programs

1) The courses of mathematics for biologists, geologists, geographers, PR-technologists, sociologists, psychologists,

philosophers, chemists, economists, managers in different spheres. 

2) The program of additional education for the teachers of mathematics.

General Mathematics Department was founded in 1937. It was the time of the Soviet Union industrialization, and the country needed quick increase of the educated specialist number.

The purpose of the new department was to provide the mathematical education of the future specialists according to their specializations.

The first department was the celebrated mathematician and teacher Vasiliy Andreevich Jablokov. His collaborators were dozent B.L.Krylov (later professor of the aviation institute), assistants S.A.Egorova and K.S.Khalikov.

The General Mathematics Department was united with the Geometry Department since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War because the number of the students decreased. Only in the February of 1944 the General Mathematics department was restored with the former head.

The tasks of the General Mathematics Department:

  1. Mathematical education at the natural and humanities departments of the University.
  2. Mass preparation of the school teachers at the beginning, then preparing of high qualified teachers for the schools with high level mathematical education.
  3. Assistance in schools and classes of high level mathematical education foundation (se­lection of books and personal). The collaborators of Department taught mathematics in such schools.
  4. Assistance in the work of undergraduate department which helps people who work and want to restore their knowledge in order to pass the University entrance exams.

The mathematical courses for the natural and humanities departments of the University include wide set of mathematical sections. So the teachers of the General Mathematics Department must have fundamental mathematical education in different mathematical disciplines. It is the tradition of the department from the beginning up to the present day. This tradition leads to high quality scientific results of the teachers of the Department. Some of them later become the members or the heads of the special scientific departments of our University and other universities. The most famous of these scientists were A.Z.Petrov, V.I.Shulikovsky, Yu.M.Molokovitch, M.A.Pudovkin, V.V.Vishnevsky, R.G.Bukharaev, Yu.Tz.Kim, I.I.Sakhaev, A.Ya.Chilap, V.F.Sharafutdinov.

The heads of the General Mathematics Department were professor Vasiliy Andreevich Jablokov (1937 – 1975), dozent Gennadiy Evgenevitch Izotov (1975 – 1984), professor Vladimir Vladimirovitch Vishnevskiy (1984 - 1994), professor Nikolay Georgievitch Guryanov (1994 – 2007).

Now the Department of the General Mathematics Department is Doctor of Science dozent Elena Alexandrovna Shirokova.