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Learning environment XXI +

Learning environment XXI + ,Department of General Physics, educational environment 21+, multimedia educational product in physics

The learning environment XXI + is a multimedia educational product in physics that has no analogues in the world.

Within the framework of the project to create this product, it was possible to combine the rich traditions of teaching physics in KFU, the best educational experimental base in Russia and 20 years of experience in creating modern multimedia educational products.

The learning environment XXI + is able to provide the learning process in the sections: mechanics, thermodynamics and molecular physics, electricity and magnetism, optics.

The learning environment XXI + provides

Structurally, the product is the richest set of digital educational resources of various types with the possibility to build from them individual educational trajectories.

Types of digital resources are adapted to the teaching of physics. A number of them is a unique authoring design.

The main difference of the Training Environment XXI + is that the vast majority of resources are oriented towards the use and discussion of data from real observations and experiments.

The unified product system includes: more than 400 video clips (over 8 hours) about 300 animated models, about 200 video tasks, more than 20 tasks of the telemetry workshop, more than 2000 text problems and questions with variable data, about 50 interactive simulators. This set is regularly replenished.

Specialized software allows the teacher to create individual benefits for students, as well as quickly verified tasks for test work.

The capabilities of the system made it possible to organically integrate it into the educational process for all the specialties of the Institute of Physics, to link it with the modern physical practice of the Department of General Physics of the KFU, to create opportunities for students independent of the teacher's control.

At present, professor of the Department of General Physics Alexander Ismailovich Fishman, together with associate professors of the General Physics Department Andrei Ivanovich Skvortsov and Daminov Restem Valievich, are actively working on the creation of multimedia manuals "Physics 10" and "Physics 11", created on the basis of the 21+ learning environment.