Гилмурахманов Булат Шайхуллович (архив)
Дата рождения
Дополнительные сведения
Инженер лаборатории сорбционных и каталитических процессов КФУ.
Результативность работы
In this work, we performed mathematical modeling of internal elements for mixing the reaction flows. The reactor of the dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene process was studied. A variant of a radial type reactor in which the gas flow is from the bottom up is considered. Ethylbenzene and steam were selected as components for mixing. Ethylbenzene is supplied to the mixer at a temperature of about 600 C, and steam at a temperature of about 700 C. Three design cases for the internal devices of the mixer are considered. The analysis of the gas mixture parameters, such as volume fraction and average temperature, at the outlet of the mixer was carried out. The cases with the best mixing of the components are determined
In this work, we get a numerical simulation analyzes the effect of catalyst granule size on the operation efficiency of the fixed bed reactor for the dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene. For the laboratory reactor, we built a detailed model of cylindrical catalyst granules with a length of 3 mm, 6 mm and 9 mm. We carried out an analysis of the granule size effect on the bed characteristics, such as porosity and the catalyst total surface area. We obtained results for a wide range of feed gas rates. The ranges and rates of the catalyst efficiency decrease for different feed gas rates are determined.
Гилмурахманов Б.Ш. КАТАЛИЗАТОРЫ ДЕГИДРИРОВАНИЯ ЭТИЛБЕНЗОЛА В СТИРОЛ НА ОСНОВЕ ЖЕЛЕЗООКСИДНЫХ ПИГМЕНТОВ РАЗЛИЧНЫХ ПРОИЗВОДИТЕЛЕЙ/ Б.Ш. Гилмурахманов, И.Р. Набиуллин, А.З. Гайнуллин, М.В. Назаров// Вестник технологического университета. - 2019. - т.22. - №6. - С. 44-47.
Рабочий адрес:
Казань, ул. Лобачевского, д. 1/29, Учебное здание №16 (Химический факультет)
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