29 September 2014
Saverio Belusci from the Max Planck Institute delivered a lecture at KFU

Invited by the Department of Microbiology of the KFU Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology, Professor Saverio Belusci, the Head of the Laboratory at the Max Planck Institute (Giessen, Germany), delivered a lecture to KFU students on September 26.  

In the lecture the professor focused on his major scientific issues - lung embriogenesis and fibrosis control.

Saverio Belusci introduced his laboratory where the most attention was paid to the lung growth factor, FGF 10 (fibroblast growth factor 10), in particular.  The professor said that researches found it unique as FGА 10 participates in the process of the development of lung cells out of embryonic cells. The group of Prof. Bellusci discovered markers to visualize this factor in developing cells. The scientists plan to manipulate it with expression to use in their further research.

It is the first time that Saverio Belusci visited Russia and Kazan. As he said, he had heard a lot about Kazan University, and one of his postgraduate students had been from Russia. “Russia has high level education”, emphasized the professor saying that he did not mind inviting a Kazan University researcher to work in his laboratory.

Source of information: Press centre
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