04 September 2014
Alexander Povalko, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Russia, visited KFU

On Tuesday, September 2, Alexander Povalko, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Russia, visited KFU.

The Deputy Minister arrived at the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology, accompanied by Ilshat Gafurov, KFU Rector, and other university leaders.

Alexander Povalko was shown the Simulation Centre, a phantom class, an anatomy class, a microscopy centre, an experimental medicine laboratory, lecture rooms, and a renovated ballroom.

The Deputy Minister shared his positive impressions of the facilities, saying that from his point of view KFU was headed in the right direction to further development and expansion.  

In the afternoon Alexander Povalko came to see some other divisions of the University, the Institute of Physics, in particular. He visited research laboratories located on the upper floor of the building that focus on network technologies, technical mass media, statistics radio physics, data transmission.  

At the Institute of Chemistry the Deputy Minister visited the Laboratory of Adsorptive and Catalytic Processes that develops catalytic systems commonly used at OAO Nizhnekamskneftekhim.

Alexander Povalko arrived at the Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies to inspect a new building under construction. He also visited the Neurobiology Lab, Engineering Institute, and the laboratory facilities of the Institute а Fundamental medicine and Biology.  

Source of information: Press centre
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