18 June 2014
KFU Opened Biofunctional Chemistry Laboratory

The opening ceremony of join Russian-Japanese research Biofunctional Chemistry Laboratory was held at the Alexander Butlerov Institute of Chemistry on June, 17.

It is a joint project with RIKEN (Japan), a strategic partner of Kazan Federal University. The two institutions have been working in cooperation for two decades. KFU opened a complex of research KFU-RIKEN laboratories. RIKEN President Ryoji Noyori is a member of KFU International Academic Council. The opening of the Biofunctional Chemistry Laboratory is one more step toward development and strengthening of cooperation.

Director of RIKEN Global Research Cluster Kohei Tamao, Associate Chief Scientist Katsunori Tanaka and Deputy Manager of Global Relations and Research Coordination Office WonKyung Kang took part in the opening ceremony of the Laboratory. Kazan University was represented by Supervisor of priority area “Advanced Materials”, Coordinator of cooperation between Japanese universities and KFU Dmitri Tayrskii, Director of Alexander Butlerov Institute of Chemistry Vladimir Galkin and scholars-chemists.

The interaction of KFU and RIKEN within the laboratory will be as follows: Kazan Federal University shall provide the appropriate space, human resources and best technical support for the Biofunctional Chemistry Laboratory. A scientist from RIKEN shall co-supervise the laboratory to develop innovative glycoconjugates that selectively recognize target organs or tumors. On behalf of RIKEN the project will be supervised by Prof. Katsunori Tanaka who came to Kazan within the KFU Program for Competitive Growth to conduct research in Biomolecules. Associate Professor of the Department of Organic Chemistry Almira Kurbangalieva is the head of the Laboratory from KFU.

Source of information: Press-Center, photos by Inna Basyrova
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