11 September 2024
'Robotics' round table was held as part of Kazan Digital Week 2024

On September 9, 2024, as part of the Kazan Digital Week international forum, a round table “Robotics” was held under the guidance of Professor Rifkat Minnikhanov, President of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. The event was moderated by Ayrat Khasyanov, Vice President of theTatarstan Academy of Sciences and founder of the Institute of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems (ITIS) of Kazan Federal University (KFU), and Evgeni Magid, Head of the Laboratory of Intelligent Robotic Systems (LIRS) and Head of the Intelligent Robotics Department of the Institute of ITIS of KFU.

Leading specialists in robotics took part in the round table. They made reports on the science, education and production of robotic systems and their components.

Roman Meshcheryakov, Professor of the V.A. Trapeznikov V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Conrol Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences presented a report on fundamental issues of robotics. In the report “Multiple link wearable myographic interface for sports and rehabilitation tasks”, Viktor Kazantsev, Professor the Lobachevsky University, spoke about the concept and functioning of “smart clothes”. Alla Kravets, Professor of Volgograd State Technical University, made a report “Designing powered exoskeletons including anthropometric indicators of the operator”. Evgeny Dudorov, Executive Director of the SPA “Android Technics”, General Director of R-Telematics LLC, Chairman of the Board of the Robotics and Intelligent Control Systems Consortium, described the current state and prospects of development of the robots and robotic devices market in Russia and the world. Anton Suryaninov, CEO of Eidos Robotics, told how to increase the productivity of work with a robot through effective cooperation. Viktor Klassen, Professor of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev - KAI, General Director of Vector Radio Company, presented the report “Research of remotely piloted aircraft and the national GLONASS system for measuring electrodynamic characteristics of large-aperture antennas”. Sergey Sorokin, Associate Professor of the Chuvash State University, talked about the work of the fund for the scientific and technical creativity development Kulibin.Club during the presentation of the report “Robotics: from 5 to 25”. The event was finished with Professor of the Institute of ITIS KFU Evgeni Magid’s report “Intelligent Robotics at KFU: Integration of Science and Education”. He spoke about the development of robotics at the university, LIRS projects and the Master's program “Intelligent Robotics”.

Source of information: Laboratory of Intelligent Robotic Systems