13 February 2024
Laboratory of Intelligent Robotics Systems' members took part in the student scientific conference

On February 13, 2024, employees of the Laboratory of Intelligent Robotics Systems (LIRS) and students of the Institute of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems (ITIS) of Kazan Federal University (KFU) spoke at the university-wide final scientific conference. Within the framework of the conference 13 reports were heard. The students presented their current results on scientific works, and at the end of the speeches they asked questions.

Among the speakers were graduate students Ramil Faizullin, Bulat Abbyasov, Alexandra Dobrokvashina and Artem Apurin, master students of the program "Intelligent Robotics" Maksim Mustafin, Aidar Zagirov, Alexander Eremin, Nikita Kolin and Valeriy Myrzin and undergraduate student Timur Gamberov.

The aim of the conference is to promote the formation of general scientific competencies of students, encourage their interest in scientific activity, as well as to identify and support relevant scientific research.

Source of information: Laboratory of Intelligent Robotic Systems