24 November 2023
Member of Laboratory of Intelligent Robotics Systems took part in International Scientific and Technical Conference

On November 23-24, 2023, the 34th International Scientific and Technical Conference "Extreme Robotics" was held in St. Petersburg. Round tables discussions were organized as a part of the conference – various issues were discussed there: from ideas of creating robotic complexes to their industrial and service application. Alexandra Dobrokvashina, an employee of the Laboratory of Intelligent Robotics Systems (LIRS) of the Institute of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems (ITIS) of Kazan Federal University (KFU), took part in the conference with a presentation of a new virtual model of the crawler robot "Servosila Engineer" for the Webots simulator.

Advances in robotics and ideas for improving hardware performance based on digital simulation were also highlighted on the conference, organized by the Russian state scientific center for robotics and technical cybernetics.

Source of information: Laboratory of Intelligent Robotic Systems