17 April 2013
Rustam Minnikhanov Took Part in the Ceremony of Memorandums of Understanding Signing between KFU and Universities of Czech Republic

A Memorandum of Understanding between Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (KFU) and Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic) was signed today in the city of Brno.

The President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Mr. Rustam Minnikhanov, Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, Mr. Engel Fattakhov, and other members of the delegation from the Republic of Tatarstan making a working visit to Czech Republic, took part in the signing ceremony.

The Memorandum signing was organized during the visit of Mr. Rustam Minnikhanov to Masaryk University campus and the Research and technology park Saitek.

Thus, the Rector of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Mr. Ilshat Gafurov, and the Rector of Masaryk University, Brno, Mr. Mikulash Bek, signed a Memorandum of Understanding between KFU and Masaryk University.

Furthermore, the Rector of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Mr. Ilshat Gafurov, and Vice-Rector of the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Brno, Ms. Miroslava Lopatarzhova, signed a Memorandum of Understanding between KFU and the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Source of information: Materials available at the portal of the RT Government
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