28 April 2022
Head of LIRS gave a talk at the Scientific and Methodological Seminar of the Academic Council for Research of the Department of Electronic Engineering MIEM NRU HSE

 Head of the Laboratory of Intelligent Robotic Systems  (LIRS) of the Institute of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ITIS) of Kazan Federal University (KFU), Professor Evgeni Magid made a presentation at the Scientific and Methodological Seminar of the Academic Council for Scientific Work of the Department of Electronic Engineering at the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics named after A.N. Tikhonov National Research University Higher School of Economics (MIEM NRU HSE) on April 28, 2022

The topic of the talk was:

«Urban Search and Rescue Robotics for Earthquake, Flood and Land Slide Disasters».

The presentation is an overview of a concept developed by an international team of roboticists that will facilitate search and rescue operations using heterogeneous robot teams in a hazardous area, as well as simulation results of a range of mobile robots and algorithms. Selected projects of the scientific group led by Evgeni Magid were presented, including projects on mobile robotics, human-robot interaction, medical robotics. Professor paid special attention to the topic of safer use of search and rescue robotics in dangerous environments instead of rescuers, robots of various types provide additional opportunities for searching in a dangerous environment.

More information about the contents of the report can be found at the link.

Source of information: Laboratory of Intelligent Robotic Systems