11 April 2022
Startup Club KFU created by ITIS students

Foreign students of ITIS have organized an English-speaking club for entrepreneurs and are already recruiting students for their team. The presentation of the club will take place on April 15 at 13:30 in the co-working of KSK KFU UNICS.

The idea of ​​the club came to the 1st year student of ITIS Abd Al Rhman Morida. He came from Palestine to Russia and enrolled in ITIS to study artificial intelligence and create his own technology business. The main goal of the club is to inspire students to create their own startups.

 “This is a club to bring people together. I see that the university has a huge potential for students. We can create a system for them where they could unite into a company that produces services for the market. Communication will be in English. Thus, those who plan to work outside of Russia have already had experience of working in an international environment” - explains 1st year ITIS student, Co-Founder Of Startup Club Abd Al Rhman Morida (Syria).

Each student, depending on the role that he will take in the project, will be able to gain experience. For example this will help those who want to be leaders, improve their communication skills, participate in complex projects, and plan their work. The main goal of the startup club is to change the mindset of students based on international experience. So that they were not only highly qualified software specialists, but also had entrepreneurial skills, if we talk about students of specialized faculties, such as ITIS.

Our idea is to train students in such a way that they can offer software as a service. When we succeed in this within the student community, then we can take it to the external market. One of the projects I'm working on is e-commerce. Most of our projects will be in the field of e-commerce and education, because these are the most effective areas where big money is concentrated. If we can master the technologies in these two areas, for example, create high-quality software for online education at the university, then this will help both the university and us. I think that no matter what faculty you study at, the ability to create companies and work in a company, to sell your product, will be useful to everyone”-  said Abd Al Rhman Morida (Syria), a 1st year ITIS student, shared his plans.

In the course of the club's work, it is also planned to launch its own YouTube channel and magazine in Russian and English, which will contain useful information about business strategies, the necessary knowledge when building your company, and step-by-step instructions from experts. With the support and participation of other KFU institutions, developers, content managers, designers and marketers will be united within the club. So, the creators want to provide a full cycle of creating and promoting startups.

“We are now studying hard skills (programming) at the university, but there are still other skills that will be needed to develop our business - soft skills. We will focus in this club on working in such teams of people with different skills. After all, only the study of technology does not always help to bring the idea to life. We also invite students from other institutions, as each institution has its own knowledge. For example, programmers sometimes need help writing content. Take any service, let's say an application for buying products. You need to create the application itself and it is very important to think about how to fill it in order to attract people” - said 2nd year ITIS student, production manager Of Startup Club Ahmad Helaly (Egypt).

To get into the club now there are several options. You can leave an application on the Startup Club KFU website and pass a face-to-face interview, or you can attend an offline event on April 15 from 13:30 to 15:00 in the co-working of KSK KFU UNICS (Professor Nuzhin Street, 2, floor 2), which is organized by ITIS students Abd Al Rhman Morida and Ahmad Helaly. They are will present their club and talk about opportunities for students. They are waiting for representatives of various specialties - programmers, designers, marketers, journalists, etc. The startup club is aimed at everyone who plans to create their own business and is ready to work in a team of like-minded people.

Source of information: Aliya Safina