20 January 2022
ITIS master student Artem Apurin won a grant from the President of the Russian Federation

Artem Apurin and three other representatives of KFU were awarded such grants. They will receive 20 thousand rubles a month.

The grant of the President of the Russian Federation is given to master sdunets of the first year of study who have shown outstanding abilities and high achievements in a certain field of activity, including in the field of arts and sports. Grants are paid from September 1 on a monthly basis during the established period of study for training programs for mid-level specialists, bachelor's programs, specialist's programs and master's programs, subject to annual confirmation of the right to receive a grant in the amount of 20,000 rubles.

“I am very glad that I received a grant from the President of the Russian Federation. Now I am studying for a master's program in the specialty "Software Engineering", direction - "Intelligent Robotics", I am engaged in mobile robots. The topic of my master's thesis is «Localization of increased accuracy for the Tiago Base wheeled robot in a room with a known map using 4 multidirectional cameras and overhead CMs when performing a p2p navigation task». For the competition I submitted publications, certificates of registration of computer programs and a diploma of the winner of the UMNIK-19 program” - said Artem Apurin, a master student at ITIS.

Source of information: Aliya Safina