15 April 2021
Evgeni Magid took part in the discussion of the results of 2020 on artificial intelligence in Russia

On April 14, 2021, a Head of the Laboratory of intelligent robotic systems (LIRS) of the Institute of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems (ITIS) Professor Evgeni Magid, who recently joined the Expert Council for the Selection of Research Centers in the Field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), took part in the discussion of the results of 2020 on artificial intelligence in Russia. The Expert Council is formed to provide expert and analytical support for the development of AI in Russia. Its key functions include the approval of the priority areas of centers’ activity for artificial intelligence, expert support for the selection of support recipients and expert evaluation of research centers activities, including the preparation of recommendations for adjusting their funding. The project is one of the components of the Federal Project “Artificial Intelligence” of the national program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” and is implemented on the basis of the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation.

The event "Results of 2020 in artificial intelligence in Russia" was organized jointly with the Center of Competence of The National Technological Initiative of Russia (NTI) on the basis of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) in the field of “Artificial Intelligence” and autonomous noncommercial organization (ANO) “Digital Economy” in order to develop an analytical AI community and maintain an experts dialogue for joint monitoring of developments in the field of AI in Russia and the world. This is especially important in order to verify the current AI development agenda and submit relevant information to the Government of the Russian Federation. The analysis presented by one of the speakers showed that out of almost 50.000 university graduates in 2020, who are somehow related to AI, only about 650 people have skills that really meet the requirements of employers.

Evgeni Magid told us about the event: “The analysis of the Expert Council confirmed my personal opinion about the weak preparation of personnel in the field of AI and robotics in most Russian universities. Participation in the Council will help keeping abreast of developments related to the prospects of AI in Russia, and integrate the recommendations of leading scientists in this area into our master's program “Intelligent Robotics”, implemented within the framework of the program “Software Engineering” of the Institute of Information Technology and Intelligent Systems”.

In the future Professor Magid will participate as an expert in the development of proposals for the recommended areas of activity of research centers in the field of artificial intelligence.

Source of information: Laboratory of intelligent robotic systems