06 November 2020
A corresponding member of Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan Republic and a Head of Department of Kazan State University of architecture and construction paid a visit to the Laboratory of intelligent robotic systems

On November 06, 2020, the Laboratory of intelligent robotic systems (LIRS) Institute of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems (ITIS) was visited by a Head of the Department of road construction machinery of the Institute of transport structures of the Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (KSUAE), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Rustem Sakhapov.

Professor Sakhapov is one of the initiators of Technical education center of KSUAE establishment, which is actively involved in the creation of a road construction cluster. Moreover, he is a corresponding member of the International Academy of Informatization, a member of the Journalist Union of the Republic of Tatarstan, an editor-in-chief of the "Transport Engineering and Technology" journal. Currently, he has published more than 250 scientific papers, 6 monographs, 12 patents and 12 papers in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. Professor Sakhapov is an official opponent of the Candidate thesis of senior lecturer Roman Lavrenov on the topic "Mathematical and software solutions to the problem of multi-criteria search for the path of a mobile object".

Professor Evgeni Magid, a Head of the LIRS, and Roman Lavrenov gave the guest a tour around the laboratory: they told about the activities of the LIRS, projects implemented by employees and students. Also they told about the master's program "Intelligent robotics". During the visit, they discussed the possibilities of further cooperation in interdisciplinary areas that will allow consolidating the expertise of two research groups for the development of automation and robotization of the construction industry in the Republic of Tatarstan. Professor Rustem Sakhapov appreciated the scientific potential of the laboratory and modern-new equipment.

Source of information: Laboratory of intelligent robotic systems