19 July 2018
An employee of Laboratory of intelligent robotic systems Aufar Zakiev told

Every year the Higher Institute of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems (ITIS) of Kazan Federal University takes part in the educational activities of the “Selet” camp.

The goals of the camp are to find and select exceptional children and talented young people, working with them throughout the year, providing them with real help in social and professional development, participation in the formation of an intelligent and spiritual elite with progressive thinking that can maintain harmony of universal values and ethnic identity, and widely introduce the idea of the intelligence priority and spirituality in a civilized society.

On July 19th, an employee of the Laboratory of intelligent robotic systems (LIRS) of the Higher Institute of ITIS Aufar Zakiev told pupils about robots and robotics, its position in the world with a demonstration of dozens examples of real-life robots.

Aufar Zakiev about his speech to pupils:

"The lectures were held for two groups, for children aged 11-15. Students aged 11-12 showed a special interest in robotics. I received their questions even before the lecture started, and each video was accompanied by a wave of comments and clarifications. Older students came up after the lecture with more specific questions about the design, programming of robots and studying for the master's program “Intelligent robotics” of the Higher Institute of ITIS. I would like to say thank you to the organizers for the excellent preparation of the venue and responsiveness!».

Source of information: Laboratory of intelligent robotic systems