09 August 2018
The Higher Institute of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems participated in an exhibition 'Aerospace technologies, advanced materials and equipment 2018'

On August 9th, the IX International specialized exhibition "Aerospace technologies, advanced materials and equipment" ("ACTO") was opened on the territory of the “Kazan Fair” exhibition centre, which was attended by employees of the Laboratory of Intelligent robotic systems (LIRS) of the Higher Institute of Information Technologies and Intelligent Systems (ITIS) of KFU.

The aim of the exhibition is to show the development of advanced technologies in the domestic aerospace industry, to demonstrate modern technologies, materials and equipment in the field of aircraft, helicopter, small aircraft, aircraft engines, aircraft instrumentation, precise and high-tech equipment, and to define priority directions for scientific and technological development. The Prime Minister of Republic of the Tatarstan Alexey Pesoshin opened the exhibition.

LIRS’ employees presented their projects on swarm robotics, on the interaction of ground robots and unmanned aerial vehicles. They also told about the master's program "Intelligent robotics" at the Higher Institute of ITIS, which was launched in 2017. Today, robotics is one of the priority growth area at Kazan Federal University.

Evgeni Magid, a Head of the Intelligent Robotics Department at the Higher Institute of ITIS:

"First of all, participation in this exhibition implies for us new contacts and acquaintances with top companies in the field of aircraft construction. Today we held talks with companies that are engaged in the production of unmanned aerial vehicles, the development of hardware components, various onboard and external sensors. Representatives of the companies shared the problem of the qualified personnel shortage in the field of software development for robotic systems and expressed their desire to cooperate with LIRS in this area. This is a great opportunity for us to broaden scientific contacts, discuss areas of cooperation and get to know potential employers of our future graduates".

The exhibition "ACTO-2018" will be open tomorrow. It is held every two years.

Source of information: Laboratory of intelligent robotic systems