22 July 2020
Webinar on the effects of COVID-19 lockdowns on education held by Kazan Federal University and Punjab University

The online meeting took place on 21st July.

The webinar was co-hosted by KFU's Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication and Punjab University's Partap College of Education with support from the International Professional Development Association.

The webinar's goal was to unite the efforts of the global pedagogical community in solving the problems of the pandemic's impact on the educational system.

Director of the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication Radif Zamaletdinov and Director of Partap College of Education Balwant Singh addressed the participants of the webinar with welcome speeches.

Dr. Zamaletdinov said, in particular, “This webinar is one of the international joint projects of Partap College of Education and the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication of Kazan Federal University, and can be regarded as evidence of the fruitful cooperation between two institutions. Not long ago – in February 2020 – our institutions organized and held an international conference called "Cross-border and Multicultural Perspectives in Professional Development of Teachers." The thematic content comprised research problems tackled by the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, which suggests that our scientific interests have much in common. We all remember that the conference was a great success. This webinar is dedicated to the very pertinent topic of the effects of prolonged COVID-19 lockdowns on educational systems. Within the framework of today's webinar, we can discuss issues on how COVID-19 has affected educational systems in our countries, and pros and cons of remote teaching in higher schools.”

The webinar was joined by 95 scientists and researchers from India, Spain, Italy, and Russia. All participants noted its excellent organization. The topics of presentations were thought-provoking and triggered discussions on a wide range of issues related to the theme of the webinar.

Source text: Tatiana Pimenova, Albina Abdrafikova

Translation: Iskander Yarmakeev, Yury Nurmeev

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