22 May 2020
Nine young researchers receive funding from the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

The Prize Committee announced its decision this week.

Grant applications for this programs are available to young researchers aged under 35 and teams of such researchers comprising up to 5 persons.

Individual prizes of 44,000 rubles each went to the following employees of Kazan Federal University:

Aleksey Andreev, Institute of Physics - Study of selenophysical and meteoroid systems with the use of a synthetic method based on harmonic analysis, fractal geometry and robust estimates

Dmitry Kornilov, Institute of Chemistry - Method for predicting the effect of accelerating pericyclic reactions in the field of high pressures and temperatures;

Marsel Fazlyiakhmatov, Institute of Engineering - Ultrasonic sensors with protective polymer coatings for solving engineering problems and a hardware-software complex of ultrasonic scanning based on them;

Konstantin Usachev, Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology - Staphylococcus aureus translation control factors.

Grants of 250,000 rubles each go to the research teams headed by the following employees:

Yuliya Cherednichenko, Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology - Adhesive biocompatible nanofilms for the cultivation of stem cells and microorganisms;

Alsu Nadyrova, Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology - Microbial ribonuclease versus tumor metastasis;

Denis Ponomaryov, Institute of Chemistry - Synthesis of phosphonium salts based on dihydropyran and dihydropyranone derivatives of lupane triterpenoids with potential antibacterial activity;

Darya Itkina, Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology - Bbiotechnological basis of the new phytate-hydrolyzing bacterial strain BacillusgisengihumiМ2.11 for its use as biofertilizer in the agricultural complex of the Republic of Tatarstan;

Radmir Ivanov, Institute of Social and Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications – School Conflict Management Open Lab.


Source text: Larisa Busil

Photo: Alexander Kuznetsov

Translation: Yury Nurmeev

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