16 January 2020
A Head of the Laboratory of intelligent robotic systems gave a talk at the International conference on Artificial Life and Robotics 2020 in Japan

The annual International conference on Artificial Life and Robotics (ICAROB 2020) was held in Beppu, Oita Prefecture, from January 13 to 16, 2020, to mark the 25th anniversary of artificial life and robotics International Meeting Series.

This conference provides researchers with new developments of modern technologies related to robotics, networks, and artificial life; also related to computer modeling, hardware design, and networking of modern technologies. In addition, the conference provides an exchange of information on the results of advances in robotics, networks, and artificial life technologies that create the basis for new exciting research and applications.

A Head of the Laboratory of intelligent robotic systems of the Higher Institute of Information technologies and intelligent systems of KFU professor Evgeni Magid had been participating at the conference for the fourth year in a row as a speaker and member of the International Organizing Committee. This year he presented reports on the following topics:

"Robotic Palpation Modeling for KUKA LBR IIWA Using Gazebo Simulator". Authors: Artur Shafikov, Artur Sagitov, Hongbing Li, Natalia Schiefermeier-Mach, Evgeni Magid;

"Network Failure Detection and Autonomous Return for PMB-2 Mobile Robot". Authors: Dmitry Bereznikov, Aufar Zakiev;

"Traffic Sign Recognition Algorithm for Car-like Robot Avrora Unior". Authors: Nikita Nikiforov, Ksenia Shabalina, Artur Sagitov, Kuo-Hsien Hsia, Evgeni Magid;

"Modeling Autonomous Parallel Parking Procedure For Car - like Robot Avrora Unior in Gazebo Simulator". Authors: Dinir Imameev, Ksenia Shabalina, Artur Sagitov, Kuo-Lan Su, Evgeni Magid;

"Remote Control Application for “Servosila Engineer” on Android Mobile Devices". Authors: Daniel Kiryanov, Roman Lavrenov.

The articles were prepared within the framework of RFBR-RT project №18-48-160037 "Development of a control system for robotic laparoscopic instrument for autonomous stitching" and international project №19-58-70002 "Information System of Emergency Situations Management in the areas of  Floods and Landslides with Assistance of Distributed Heterogeneous Group of Robots".

The conference also featured articles created in collaboration with colleagues from national Yunlin University of Science & Technology (Taiwan):

"Development of the IoT Module with AI Function Using STM32 Chip". Authors: Hung Guo, Evgeni Magid, Kuo-Hsien Hsia, Kuo-Lan Su;

"Application of the MyRIO Based Mobile Robot Using Vision System". Authors: Bo-Jun Yang, Kuo-Hsien Hsia, Kuo-Lan Su, Evgeni Magid.

Source of information: Laboratory of intelligent robotic systems