15 January 2020
Kazan Federal University Initiates the Creation of a Coordinating Council for the Development of Education in Elabuga Region

The district leader Rustem Nuriev participated in the city administration meeting on the topic

The meeting was attended by Elena Merzon, Director of Elabuga Institute of KFU and Timirkhan Alishev, Director of the Situation Analysis Center of KFU. They presented a project of the future coordination council, which should develop a strategy for the development of the city’s education system, contribute to enhancing the network interaction of schools, colleges and the university. The implementation of the projects will result in an increase in the quality of education, interdepartmental interaction of the regional educational institutions.

It is worth noting that today about 74 thousand people live in the city; about 7 thousand of them are students. This is 9% of the total population. Educational institutions of the city train personnel for various spheres of life: industry, culture, medicine, education. The new interaction of these structures, according to the speakers, will allow giving a new round both for the development of educational institutions by modernizing and improving the training methodology, and for the development of the territory.

The participants agreed that members to the coordination council will be appointed in the nearest future. It is planned that it will include directors of schools and colleges, representatives of the Alabuga Special Economic Zone, and representatives of cultural institutions. Moreover, it will start the development of a new brand of the city “Elabuga – a city of education and culture”, proposed by Ilshat Gafurov, Rector of Kazan Federal University.

Today Kazan Federal University implements many large-scale scientific, educational and enlightenment projects in Elabuga, they involve children of different ages, adults and representatives of the older generation. Among them are “KFU Children's University”, “Science Night”, “KFU Scientific Landing”, “Intel Summer”, “Digital Summer” projects for preschoolers and schoolchildren of the city, and “Third Age University”. KFU is also a center for the training of teaching staff for poly-lingual complexes of the republic, the first of which will be opened in Elabuga this summer.