16 January 2020
Associate Professor Yevgeny Sultanov becomes one of the 75 experts to work on amendments to the Russian Constitution

President of Russia Vladimir Putin has scheduled his first meeting with the group on 16th January.

Apart from Dr. Sultanov, the Republic of Tatarstan is also represented by the Chairman of the State Council (Parliament) Farid Mukhametshin.

In his annual address to the Federal Assembly on 15th January, which includes both chambers of the Russian legislative branch, Putin proposed to work out amendments to the Constitution and hold a referendum to adopt them.

“We, constitution scholars, have waited for a long time for the work on amendments to begin. Life goes on, and the situation changes. The Constitution must be in line with the requirements of the present day,” comments Sultanov, Chair of the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law at Kazan Federal University.

It is expected that the expert panel will start full-scale discussions on Friday, 17th January.


Source text: Unified Information and Publishing Center, Tatar-Inform

Translation: Yury Nurmeev

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