18 December 2019
Kazan University attended by a delegate of Xi'an Jiaotong University

Mr. Song Shaowen, Head of Foreign Student Affairs Unit, also acted on behalf of Xi’an International Studies University.

At KFU, he was welcomed by Aide to the Rector Yury Nurmeev and Deputy Director of the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication Gulnara Sadykova.

Dr. Nurmeev gave a presentation of the university in Chinese language with a special focus on bilateral cooperation. Dr. Sadykova then spoke about the programs offered by her institute. In particular, she mentioned a joint Russian language course with Beijing International Studies University.

Song Shaowen emphasized that Xi’an universities are primarily interested in double diploma courses and preparatory training in Russian language. With regards to scientific cooperation, which is the focus for Kazan University, the guest promised to convey all the information to his colleagues.

The next visit from Xi’an is tentatively scheduled for late February 2020.


Source text: Larisa Busil

Photos: Maxim Zaretsky

Translation: Yury Nurmeev

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