23 September 2019
Kindai University delegation visited Kazan Federal University

Several meetings were held on 21st September.

The Japanese colleagues, headed by President Yoshihiko Kosoi, toured the labs of the Institute of Physics, the Institute of Chemistry, the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology, the University Clinic, and the Institute of Environmental Sciences.

After the tour, President Hosoi shared, “The researchers of both our universities can easily start joint projects. Today, I personally saw that research management in our two universities is very similar, and the equipment is also mostly the same.”

After that, the guests proceeded to speak with Rector Ilshat Gafurov. “The fact that you chose to visit us today attests your interest in developing mutual cooperation, and we thank you for that,” said he.

The two institutions have already signed two agreements, and there are prospects for a significant increase in student exchange and academic collaborations.

Rector Gafurov accepted the invitation to visit Kindai University this coming October.


Source text: Kamill Gareev

Photos: Nikita Tokhtasinov

Translation: Yury Nurmeev

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