04 June 2019
Tatarstan Student League discussed pertinent issues of international students

A meeting was organized at KFU on 3rd June.

The attendants were greeted by Vice-Rector for International Relations Linar Latypov. He emphasized the multicultural nature of Tatarstan and the familial attitude of local universities to foreign students. Dr. Latypov reminisced on his days of military service in Africa and confessed that he has the fondest memories of that time. Coincidentally, Kazan University and other institutions of the region are very popular among African students, several of whom sit on the presidium of the Student League.

After that, the participants were welcomed by League President Rufat Kiyamov, representative of the Ministry of Youth Affairs of Tatarstan Denis Sugonyako, and Head of the Adaptation Services Unit of Kazan Federal University Sergey Tsvetkov.

The contributors shared their experience of activities and projects with international students. Kazan National Research Technological University and Kazan State Power Engineering University were among those who sent their speakers.

As for KFU, Deputy Chairwoman of the KFU International Friendship Club Feruza Bashkirtseva the Club’s current strategy and priorities.


Source text: Yury Nurmeev

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