19 April 2019
ParisTech delegation visiting Kazan University

The two sides met to discuss further cooperation today.

The French team is represented by Deputy Director of the Higher National School of Advanced Technology Cécile Vigouroux, Director for International Relations of the Higher National School of Chemistry Fethi Bedioui, and Deputy Director for International Relations of the Higher National School of Chemistry Antoine Mercier. At the meeting, they were greeted by vice-rectors Dmitry Tayursky and Linar Latypov and several institute directors.

Mr. Bedioui presented ParisTech; currently, there are 16.5 thousand students, 2,000 educators, and over a hundred laboratories.

“We have two expectations from this visit,” said he, “which are scientific cooperation with KFU and academic mobility. We are talking about students of engineering, mathematics, chemistry, physics, economics, and environmental science.”

ParisTech unites twelve higher education institutions, each of which is a recognized leader in its field. The union specializes on business education, engineering, and natural sciences.

The guests plan to visit the relevant institutes of Kazan University.


Source text: Rufina Gimaletdinova

Translation: Yury Nurmeev

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